
Become a Member

Have a Seat at the Table

A Seat at the Table

You’ve Got a Dream. We’ve Got Connections.

Whether you’re looking to use your membership to network, make a difference, create visibility for your brand, engage your young professionals, grow professionally or all of the above, we encourage our members to bring their unique voices to our organization.

Join a Group or Committee

There’s no better way to play a role in our mission than sharing your expertise in one of member groups or committees. From economic development and diversity, equity and inclusion to government affairs, there are ample opportunities to impact the issues that matter to you and your business.

Make a Difference

The Chamber has education and public safety programs where you can lend your voice. Our Partners in Education program connects businesses with local schools to supply educators and students with valuable resources. Our annual Give Our Schools a Hand events celebrate 130 teachers of the year in the county’s two public school districts. Plus, our annual Public Safety Awards Breakfast and Appreciate Week honors the excellence within Cobb’s public safety agencies.


We’ve gathered a diverse team of passionate professionals to serve our members’ membership goals and share their successes. The Chamber provides a ribbon cutting service and digital marketing opportunities to promote your news and events and celebrate grand openings.

Our government relations team advocates on your behalf to ensure that our county is a healthy place to do business. You can join our efforts and learn about legislation that affects your business.

Relationship Manager

Alex Reed

Becoming a member of the Cobb Chamber means you’ll gain access to a host of empowering resources and opportunities. Talk with Alex to learn all about our wealth of programming and partnerships.