
Transportation Moves Forward

As the first week of the General Assembly comes to a close with the news of proposed budget cuts of $1.2 billion, there is positive news on the transportation front.

   Governor Sonny Perdue’s backing of a regional approach to transportation funding is a huge step forward in what has been a three-year process to develop a transportation funding plan. This marks a major breakthrough, with the Governor, House and Senate leadership nearing agreement on a way forward.

   A first look at a summary of the Governor’s plan provided by the Get Georgia Moving Coalition, indicates a balance of general obligation bonds, new regional transportation resources and modernizing the rules for Congressional balancing of federal transportation dollars.

   This is a very positive development, and we will keep you updated as this and other plans for addressing our transportation needs move through the legislative process.

   As soon as an updated list of changes to House Committee Chairmanships is made available, we will update you.

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