The South Cobb Arts Alliance (SCAA) is pleased to announce its Christmas House Arts and Crafts Show + Market will be open to the public from December 1-5, 2021, at the Ford Center, Powder Springs, GA. Over the years, SCAA has been gratified by the entries received by distinguished artists for their hallmark Christmas House Arts and Crafts Show + Market event designed to showcase original, handmade fine arts and crafts.
Applications for this juried show are now open with opportunities to apply for Early Bird entry fees beginning now. If you are or now subscribe as an SCAA Member, you will receive an entry discount. SCAA Memberships are available online or through the mail beginning at $20 annually for an individual; at the level of Artist with Directory membership at $40 annually.
Interested applicants can find the application at https://southcobbarts.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2021-CH-Artist-Application2.pdf
All communications, applications and/or payments should be directed to SCAA volunteers at either christmashousearts@gmail.com or by calling 864-571-0597.