
Casteel Heating and Cooling Sets the Standard

   In a time when the vast majority of HVAC contractors are experiencing negative growth, Casteel Heating and Cooling has seen a 43 percent growth in sales. What sets them above the rest? Two important principles put Casteel Heating and Cooling in a league of their own: an unwavering commitment to quality and dedication to maintaining a highly trained staff of technicians. When many of Bob Casteel’s competitors where compromising quality of service due to the economic down turn, he was focusing on building his team of skilled technicians. By developing a “bring a buddy to work training program” and “border to border program” Casteel was able to recruit qualified HVAC technicians from across the country. Casteel Heating and Cooling has taken strides beyond the competition by offering solar options with their products, and has since been rewarded for their efforts with the National “Going Green Award” by Amana.

Business Snapshot
Owners: Bob Casteel and John Hillis
Industry: Heating and Air Conditioning
Company Description: HVAC service provider with unmatched quality and craftsmanship
Number of Employees: 51 full-time
Percentage of growth from 2010: 43%
Location: Marietta
Contact Info: http://www.casteelair.com/

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