
Cobb Chamber Business University Announced 2010 Spring Seminar Series

The Cobb Chamber Business U has announced its 2010 Spring Seminar Series which will start in April. The series is designed to tackle current issues like return on investment for going green, risk management and e-mail marketing and trade show branding. Make sure you review the upcoming seminar offerings below.

Conversational Spanish – April 13 
Learn basic conversational phrases and pleasantries to use on a daily basis, as well as numbers, units of time, colors and family terms. This is a 7 week series. Small class size and all materials are provided.

Stop Traffic and Sell Your Brand April 15
Attendees will learn how to make the most of opportunities to network and display your business at an Expo or tradeshow.

Return on Investment: Energy Efficiency Solutions for Your Business – April 20
This seminar will cover a variety of topics related to the benefits and challenges of going green in the workplace.

Essentials of Risk Management – May 5
Attendees will learn about risk management and are qualified for three CEUs issued by the State of Georgia Insurance Department.

Tying the Knot: Integrating E-mail Marketing with Social Media and Producing Results – June 24
Learn the benefits of e-mail marketing campaigns and why they are crucial to every company’s success.

For more detailed information or to register for the spring seminar series, click here.

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