
Cobb Chamber of Commerce is Ready to Help Flood Victims

The Cobb Chamber of Commerce offers its heart-felt concern to those impacted by this week’s massive flooding throughout the area.

Business owners across Cobb are waiting to see if their companies, along with their homes, are damaged or in worse case scenarios, a total loss. But the Cobb Chamber of Commerce is not waiting to offer assistance; we are ready now.

The Cobb Chamber is leading efforts to help businesses recover quickly in targeted areas. The Chamber is positioned to recommend its membership base and local relief organizations to provide assistance to businesses that were impacted by the flooding. This will help provide reassurance to flood victims that these businesses are qualified and in good standing.

“A natural disaster impacts the entire community but it can be doubly devastating to business owners who are dealing with personal and business losses,” says Chamber Chairwoman Dr. Lisa Rossbacher. “We want to help get these businesses back on their feet. The sooner they recover, the sooner the community as a whole recovers.”

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