
Cobb & Douglas Public Health open 2019 CHIP Grant

Cobb and Douglas Public Health is now accepting proposals for matching grants to assist community partners in implementing evidence-based community health initiatives to support the Cobb and Douglas Community Health Improvement Plan II (2017-2021) (CHIP). Proposals (one per applicant) may be submitted electronically to Jacqueline.Dow1@dph.ga.gov by 5:00 pm, August 30th, 2019. These matching grants, known as the CHIP Partnerships Grant, are offered as seed for sustainable initiatives that support at least one identified CHIP strategy:

  1. Healthy Lifestyles – How can we prevent chronic disease by creating a community that supports healthy lifestyle choices for all?
  2. Access to Health Services – How do we improve access to quality health services to meet the needs of a diverse community?

Please see below for the Request for Proposals, Application, and additional supporting documents:

The following organizations and their proposals were awarded funding in 2018:

  • Good Samaritan Health Center of Cobb – Medical Healthcare Home: Public Housing and Homeless Program
  • Kennesaw State University – Body Liberation: Ending Stigma & Shame
  • Kidz2Leaders Family Support Programs
  • Ser Familia, Inc. – Expansion of Mental Health Services for Spanish-Speaking Latinos in Cobb County
  • Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta –  Strong4Life Wellness Blueprint Program

The funding opportunities below can help as we seek to improve health and well-being in Cobb County. If you are planning to apply for a funding opportunity, please be aware that each organization has unique grant opportunities offered at various times throughout the year. You can learn more about each organization’s application cycles and deadlines by visiting their websites. Please contact us if you are interested in partnering on an application.

For example, CDPH and McCleskey YMCA recently partnered on a Food Well Alliance Grant for the Farm Fresh initiative.  The funding supported programmatic supplies and staff which helped the market stay open for 166.5 hours between May – September, serve 2,406 customers and sell over 13,876 pounds of locally grown produce.

Available Funding Opportunities:

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