

Cobb Workforce Partnership

The availability of skilled labor continues to be a top site selection criterion for economic development projects. In addition, recruiting and retaining a qualified, trained, and reliable workforce is one the greatest challenges for employers across the nation.

Since its inception in 2015, the Cobb Workforce Partnership (CWP) has worked to address the current and future workforce needs and concerns by bringing together leaders from the business community, K-12 educational systems, postsecondary education institutions, and other stakeholders for focused dialogue.

CWP is a collaboration of the Cobb County and Marietta K-12 schools, the University and Technical College system, community workforce providers, and local businesses brought together to address the current needs and gaps of the Cobb county workforce. The workforce partnerships work together to help establish a pipeline of job-ready workers in Cobb County.

CWP comes together annually to share ideas, expertise, and resources to strengthen workforce development in the county.

Strategic Partner: