
Fourth Annual Native Wildflower and Vine Sale

Half-Poster-e1452188428948Trees Atlanta welcomes the community to the 4th Annual Native Wildflower and Vine sale on Saturday, April 2nd. The nationally known non-profit is hosting the event at the Freedom Farmers’ Market at The Carter Center, located at 453 Freedom Parkway NE, Atlanta, GA 30307.  The fundraiser will take place from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Over 1700 individual plants—native wildflowers, grasses, and tree-friendly vines will be available for purchase at the Fourth Annual Trees Atlanta Native Plant Sale.

The selection showcases many of the native perennial wildflowers that are planted on the Atlanta BeltLine Arboretum. Included are great bird-and-butterfly-friendly species such as milkweed, native lilies (in limited quantities), aster, pitcher plants, and goldenrod. We’ll have many species of vines, ferns, and grasses for sale, too. Trees Atlanta staff members will be on hand to provide advice on plant selection and placement.

All proceeds benefit Trees Atlanta’s planting and education programs. All major credit cards, as well as checks and cash will be accepted.

On March 31, the Thursday night before the sale, we’ll hold a plant sale talk at 6:30 p.m. at the Kendeda Center to discuss what will be for sale, why and how to plant the various species and varieties, and how they benefit the environment. Our guest speaker will be Eric Kimbrel, Director of Horticulture for the Southern Highlands Reserve, a native plant arboretum and research center in Lake Toxaway, NC.

A full list of the plants for sale is available at www.treesatlanta.org

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