Greater Wealth Works extends an invitation to consider partnering with us as we host the 1st Annual Greater Wealth Works Business Wellness Fair on Wednesday, September 25th from 1Oam to 2pm – Ben Robinson Community Center 2753 Watts Drive Kennesaw, GA. As a partner, you will be provided options to engage, volunteer, and sponsor the event.
The Greater Wealth Works Business Wellness Fair will provide a unique way to engage business owners holistically by providing one-on-one mini-consultations, on-site resources, and immediate access to capital promoting the well-being of the entrepreneur’s business. This will be achieved by providing a space where small business owners can “work on their business” by taking advantage of our “business wellness checks”.
Participants will matriculate during the fair by taking advantage of the partner resources along with securing the opportunity to receive a “prescription for their business” to include but not limited to receiving a business voucher to help increase their economic mobility. Physical wellness checks will also be provided.
Sponsorship Levels “Custom Sponsorships are available *Volunteer Opportunities are available
● 2 Social Media Posts on (1) Greater Wealth Works and (1) the Women’s Business Center pages
● 1 mention in our organization’s newsletter with company logo and the link to website
● 4 Social Media Posts on (2) Greater Wealth Works and (2) the Women’s Business Center pages
● 3 mentions in our organization’s newsletter with company logo and the link to website
● Listing as a Business Development Programming Sponsor
● 6 Social Media Posts on (3) Greater Wealth Works and (3) the Women’s Business Center pages
● Company logo and link to website added to our organization’s newsletter for 6 months
● Company logo and link to website added to our organization’s website for 6 months
● Listing as a Business Development Programming and Business Strategy Sponsor
● 8 Social Media Posts on (4) Greater Wealth Works and (4) the Women’s Business Center pages
● Company logo and link to website added to our organization’s newsletter for 12 months
● Company logo and link to website added to our organization’s website for 12 months
● Personal Thank You video posted to our organization’s social media channels with your company’s
social media tagged
● Invitation to exclusive events
● Opportunity for company representative