
Harrison High School Band’s final “March to Macy’s”!

Harrison High School Band is marching on cloud nine…all the way to Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade!

Traveling to the “Big Apple” will be one of the best adventures some of these teenagers ever go on. With David Vandewalker (Director of Bands), Stephen Meyer (Associate Director of Bands), Josh Ray (Assistant Band Director), staff, administrators, and a host of volunteers dedicated to every step of this journey leading to New York City, excitement couldn’t be any higher.

The almost 200 person strong marching band has been working tirelessly to perfect timing, music, and choreography on their newest production Lost and (Pro)Found.  The road to this point hasn’t been easy. Preparing for competitions, exhibitions, and half time shows has definitely paid off though.   Winning 1st Place Division Leader and Grand Champion at the Western Carolina Tournament of Champions, as well as the class AAA Visual Ensemble award, and third place overall at the Bands of America Super-Regional competition at the Georgia Dome has brought them to this point in time; this last moment, before performing in their 2009 coup de gras…the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.  

High school bands across the country submit resumes, video footage, band bios, and more in order to claim one of the coveted spots in the parade.  Only eleven bands were chosen for 2009, Harrison being the only one to represent Georgia.

Mixed in among floats, entertainers, and of course the balloons known by children of all ages, Harrison High School Marching Band will be living out a year long dream.  Weather may be brisk; however, this band will keep warm smiling ear to ear when marching down a brand new route (the first route change since 1924) over two and a half miles long.

If you are in Kennesaw around 2:30pm on November 22nd, come by Harrison High School to help send them off on this grand adventure. If not, we hope you join the over seven million watching on parade day as Harrison makes all of Georgia proud while playing their hearts out!

For more information on the parade, please visit the official website www.macys.com/parade.








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