
Henry’s Louisiana Grill


Henry’s Louisiana Grill specializes in being a one-of-a-kind restaurant. Many members of the community see Henry’s as a fun gathering place to come together with staff who show genuine interest in learning who you are while serving amazing food. Henry’s Louisiana Grill is owned by the charismatic Chef Henry Chandler, who many describe as the heart and soul of the establishment. Chef Henry’s Louisiana upbringing and professional culinary training culminates in his famous Louisiana, Cajun and Southern menu favorites, as well as his unique daily specials. Henry’s menu items, such as Louisiana Ooh La La, Sea Scallops, and Po’Boys, Hush Puppies, Atchafalaya Catfish and Bread Pudding have been featured on a variety of media including The AJC, ABC Nightline, CNN and Food Network.

Henry’s Louisiana Grill naturally exhibits qualities of a nurturer brand with passion for coming alongside its team, guests and community in long-standing relationships and through its friendly ‘at home’ environment and culture. But Henry’s also reflects an outlaw brand, bringing an edge through a unique Louisiana Fusion cooking style. With Henry’s fun/party atmosphere and loud personality that breaks through its walls, guests and staff respond to the authenticity of the restaurant. Henry’s motto is, “Try each day to serve God first, success, however defined, follows.”

Henry’s is an active community partner. Last year Henry’s raised $45K for the Georgia Transplant Foundation their annual fundraiser, ’Liverversary’. Henry’s dedication to this annual fundraiser is to honor Chef Henry’s life-saving liver transplant in 2008 and in an effort to pay their blessing forward.  In addition, Henry’s Louisiana Grill donates over $5K [confirm amount] in goods and services to nearly 100 various non-profit organizations including local schools, churches, police, firefighters, youth sports, museums, wounded warriors, child advocacy groups and many others. Through Henry’s program called “Henry’s Helps our Community” which invites groups to submit requests for fundraiser events through Henry’s, the restaurant gave back over $4K to the community.

Learn More About Henry’s Louisiana Grill 

Owners: William H. Chandler III and Claudia Chandler

 Year Established: 2000

Location: Acworth

Number of Employees: 10 (full-time); 141 (part-time)

Percentages of Sales Growth in 2017: 0%

Did you know: Henry’s Louisiana Grill is housed in a 1906 historic building located in Acworth.

Website: chefhenrys.com 

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