In Time of Need, Inc. (TAX ID# 56-2126728) is a tax exempt non-profit organization, seeking Sponsors/Volunteers to assist in feeding families for our 12th Annual Thanksgiving Campaign. We consider this a time of need, and strive to maintain our reputation as a community support service by providing meals for 600 families throughout the Atlanta area(s).
We are aware of other organizations that feed the hungry for Thanksgiving, but we have created a Unique and different way to assist families that are in need. We feel that many families, especially those of school age children, would prefer a more private and intimate celebration. Thanksgiving curriculum focuses on a bountiful feast and many children will have very little to eat this holiday season. While providing nutrition for the children, our goal is to provide nourishment for the family as a whole. Allowing struggling parents and guardians to maintain a level of privacy in difficult times in turn allows them to maintain their dignity and strength as they work endlessly to support and provide for their families.
We are partnering with local agencies such as DFACs, School Counselors, local radio stations, etc. This helps us to accurately identify with those that are truly in need of holiday assistance. There are NOT going to be any cameras to document the families that we are providing food for! We are delivering uncooked food to the families one day before Thanksgiving. This ensures that they can prepare the food in their own home, the way they like it. No names or pictures of the families will be given to the local news for the benefit of our organization. Due to the economic crisis in our country, this holiday season is a particularly dire time for many Atlanta families. We humbly ask for any assistance in providing a memorable family meal.
We are not only seeking your financial support, we would love for you to volunteer. We need individuals to help organize, those to help package the food, and those to help deliver the food on the day before Thanksgiving. We want you to see exactly where your money is going, you should never have to wonder! We are asking for your support of at least $100, donations are deductible.
We have created a $35 dinner package for each family that we serve. Each package will include: (Large Turkey, bag of Rice, Loft of Wheat Bread, Stove Top Stuffing, Gravy packs, Canned Vegetables, Box of yellow cake mix with chocolate icing, and soft drinks). To achieve this we MUST raise $21,000.
For all questions please contact Mr. Dorian Williams at 404-618-2770 or via email at dorian.williams@intimeofneed.org.