
Inspire Her “Wow.” Become a Girl Scout Leader!

TX_MarComm14_102410Together we can inspire the next generation of women to be confident and thoughtful leaders. With Girl Scouts, you will have the opportunity to share your own life experiences with girls who are eager to learn and grow. 88% of our volunteers believe their lives are better because they volunteer with Girl Scouts!   


 Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta currently has openings for Volunteer Troop Leaders as well as Girl Program Coordinators. As a Volunteer Troop Leader, you’ll become a role model (whether you are female or male), as you help girls earn patches, work on service projects, go camping and so much more. A Girl Program Coordinator is very similar. In this paid position you’ll do everything a Volunteer Troop Leader does, with approximately a 12-hour time commitment per month over the next 2-3 months. You do not have to be a parent for either position. 


 Both of these positions make a positive impact in the lives of girls in our community and help to make the world a better place!  

 For more information, please contact CommunityEngagement@gsgatl.org


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