
Osborne’s Emergency Services Training Program

Osborne High School has introduced a firefighting class as an option for some of their interested students. The program is two years long and trains the students in both firefighting and EMT skills.

Most of the students went in with wide ranging goals and expectations, but they all came out with numerous beneficial changes. Some went in with an already developed passion for the craft. The program gifted them the experience they so desired and solidified their passion even more. Others entered without much knowledge of firefighting and along the way, not only learned firefighting, but also learned about themselves. Students discussed things such as the increased confidence they developed and the determination to not give up.

While the program is helpful to the kids, it is also helpful to the fire department in Cobb. Currently, there is a lack of firefighters in the industry, so the community is hopeful that this program may lead those numbers to increase once again once more students find a passion for firefighting. The program gives them a proper training to set them up with a great potential career path. And even if the students do not pursue firefighting, the program aims to teach them the soft skills necessary to be successful anywhere they go.

The kids hold the firefighters that train them in great regard. Numerous students commented on how amazing the firefighters were in both their teachings and their attitudes. They communicated everything very clearly in a way that made sense to the students. Also, when the kids were getting pulled down by the heavy burden of the job, the firefighters were always there with an encouraging word or joke to lift them up.


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