
Pop-In at the Marietta Museum of History: Holiday Crafts

The Marietta Museum of History will be hosting its monthly Pop-In event on Saturday, December 19th from 10:30am-3:30pm. Pop-In’s provide children and their families the opportunity to interact with the Museum through themed activities and crafts. Join us in December for crafts and activities geared towards the holidays, currently these will be “Make and Take” so families may enjoy them at home while the Museum adheres to current health guidelines. Our “Holiday crafts” are included with admission! The Museum’s new health policies and procedures are posted on our website.

When: December 19th , 2020

Where: Marietta Museum of History
1 Depot Street, Marietta, GA 30060

Cost: Admission to the Museum during the Pop-In will be $5 per person with a family cap of $20!

The Museum uses ordinary objects to tell the extraordinary stories of Marietta and Cobb County. Current temporary exhibits include: The Man with the Camera: Photographs by Raymond T. Burford, Made by Her Hands: The Beauty, Warmth and Stories of Local Quilting, and Votes for Women: A Portrait of Persistence which is organized by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in collaboration with the National Portrait Gallery. This project received support from the Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative.

To get logo or pictures, please email AMonroe@MariettaGA.gov. Or for more information, call 770-794-5710 or visit www.MariettaHistory.org.

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