
Relay for Life of Cobb County Looks to Honor Faces of Cancer

American Cancer SocietyThe American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a powerful and inspiring event that unites communities to honor loved ones who we have lost to cancer and celebrate people who have battled the disease. This fundraiser will raise awareness about the steps we can take to help prevent cancer while also raising money to find cures and support programs and services for those facing the disease.

Relay for Life of Cobb County’s “Faces of Cancer” will feature Cobb County cancer survivors who have inspired others and made significant contributions in their fight against cancer. The honoree’s picture and written testimony of survivorship will be printed on a story board displayed at Town Center Mall throughout the month of October.

All honorees will be recognized at an unveiling event held at Town Center Mall on Thursday, October 1, 2015. For a donation of $1,000, businesses, organizations, teams, and individuals can feature a survivor of their choice to be one of our “Faces of Cancer”. All donations will benefit Relay For Life in Cobb County and will be used to fund cancer research, patient support and cancer education programs.

Join the fight today by honoring YOUR loved one! Click here to become a sponsor or email cobb.relay@cancer.org for more information.

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