Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Surprise Mom or that special someone in your life with a flower bouquet or a delicious fruit basket! Just in time for Mother’s Day, Sage Dental has partnered with 1-800 Flowers to create a unique promo code to save money for purchases for Mother’s Day.
By using the promo code “SAGE”, patients, customers and employees of Sage Dental will save $10 off $39.99 on Mother’s Day flowers, gifts and gourmet treats.
To make a purchase visit or call 1-800-FLOWERS (1-800-356-9377)
Share the great news with family & friends! Promo code expires 5/15/2017.
If you have any questions, please contact
About Sage Dental
Sage Dental has over 50 convenient locations throughout South Florida, the Treasure Coast, Central Florida and now Georgia; Sage Dental has been treating patients with excellent dental care since 1997 and has treated over 600,000 patients. Sage Dental provides a range of services from preventative, general, reconstructive, cosmetic and all specialty dentistry. Sage Dental is equipped to serve all of your dental needs. Whether you are looking for a General Dentist or a Specialist such as an Orthodontist, Oral Surgeon, Endodontist, Periodontist or a Pediatric Dentist, Sage Dental does it all.
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