Simpson & Simpson Accounting LLC, recently presented their “Local Warrior Award” to Combat Veteran Sergeant, Jeremy Sewell. Sergeant Sewell served in the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines, as infantry.
On December 22nd, Sergeant Sewell received a $500 cash gift from Simpson & Simpson Accounting as a token of their appreciation for his service in the Marines.
“As a former Iraq veteran, I wanted to show my admiration for Sergeant Sewell’s dedication to our country. I am honored to present this award, and this cash gift, to such an outstanding serviceman!” said Josh Simpson, CPA. Josh Simpson is a former Iraq Veteran, turned CPA, who now owns Simpson & Simpson Accounting.
Sergeant Sewell completed the following combat tours:
- Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08.2 (Iraq)
Operation Freedom (Afghanistan)
After serving on those two tours with the Marines, Sgt. Sewell and his unit then completed what proved to be one of the most challenging and stressful missions they had ever faced:
- Operation Unified Response (Haiti)
Simpson & Simpson Accounting, LLC, is a member of the Cobb Chamber of Commerce.