
Special Olympics Georgia Presents 15th Annual Duck Pluck

Adopt a rubber duck, and support a Special Olympics Georgia athlete by
providing meals, housing, and medals at State Games!

Your donation will go a long way in helping to continue the vital work of Special Olympics Georgia (SOGA) during these uncertain times. 

To help continue the role SOGA plays in today’s society, giving individuals with intellectual disabilities an outlet to compete in the power of sport, we would like to offer you a one time special for our annual Duck Pluck which will be held on September 18th. 

Support here: https://www.classy.org/give/281055/#!/donation/checkout

You Could Win…

  • Dell Laptop Computer
  • $400 VISA Gift Card
  • $350 Publix Gift Card
  • $300 VISA Gift Card
  • $250 Macy’s Gift Card
  • $200 Amazon Gift Card

Raffle Winners will be announced September 18th

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